Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Unesco Problem-Based Learning and Telecollaboration Workshop, IPKTHO

We are attending the Unesco Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Workshop right now. 30 teachers from 15 schools, primary and secondary schools, are participating in this project. Dr. Jonghwi Park (Korean) and Ms Mel Tan (Philippine) are facilitating the process.
For the first time, I have the chance to see for myself how a PBL project implemented, though had read about it but can't really figure out how it is. Now, a life example which was conducted in quite a grand scale, it's truely inspiring.

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Adding screen tips to MS PowerPoint and Word

Just learnt to add screen tips to MS PowerPoint 2007 presentation and MS Word document. Let's check it out in the MS Tips & Tricks section.

Saturday, 3 December 2011

MS Access 2007: Numbering the records in a report

Kan had made a simple guide on:
i)   getting to know the interface of MS Access 2007,
ii)  alternatives to start a new database, and
iii)  how to list and number the records in a report.
 It is written in the Malay language. You may look up in the MS Office: Tips and tricks section.

Kan telah memuat naikkan panduan mengenai:
i)   mengenali ruang kerja (pengantara muka) MS Access 2007,
ii)  alternatif untuk memulakan pangkalan data yang baru, dan
iii) menomborkan rekod-rekod dalam laporan.

Anda boleh melihat butirannya dalam bahagian "MS Office: Tips and tricks".

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Embed documents into your blog

Kan had just uploaded the guide on how to embed presentation into your blog for those who may like to try it out.  Check it out in the "Bloggers' Corner". For those who already knew about it, you may just ignore it!

Saya telah muatnaikan panduan untuk "Embed" persembahan elektronik ataupun documen lain dalam blog anda. Ia dimasukkan dalam  halaman yang terdapat pada "Bloggers' Corner". Mudah-mudahan ia berguna kepada yang memerlukannya.

Friday, 11 November 2011

HFS: file sharing and web hosting

Kan had just uploaded the guides on how to do file-sharing and hosting a website using HFS, in both the English and the Malay languages. Just refer to the Intranet: HFS section to choose whichever version that you like to see.

Kan telah muat naik panduan tentang perkongsian fail serta "hosting" laman web dengan menggunakan HFS, dalam Bahasa Inggeris dan juga ada versi Bahasa Melayunya. Anda boleh klik pada halaman Intranet: HFS dan pilih versi yang berkenaan.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Welcome to Sumitra's Blog!

Being a late developer who do not have a chance to receive formal training and guidance in ICT and its related fields, I get to learn a lot of technical skill owing to the kindness of many who willingly published the tips and tricks for FREE access besides reading books!
I had made a promise to myself that, one day, I shall share with who ever what I have for free, too, as my appreciation to the kind people besides doing my part to share what might be useful to those who are just as new and lost as I do.
I would like to express my heartiest gratitude to Mr. Omar bin Zakaria who had kindly shared with me a lot of useful information and showed me areas to be explored, without which I could have been stuck and could do nothing productive! Thanks!
The materials uploaded may be written in the English Language, Malay Language, etc., depending on the context and requirement. You me send in your comments dan share your ideas in the English, Malay or Chinese Languages, too.

Thank you!

Selamat datang ke Blog Sumitra!

Saya berasa terhutang budi kepada ramai yang sudi berkongsi maklumat di alam maya kerana itulah sumber maklumat untuk pembelajaran kendiri dalam mempelopori kemahiran ICT. Saya ingin juga berkongsi maklumat bersama sesiapapun yang ingin mencarikan maklumat yang berkaitan dan berharap apa yang disampaikan ini membawa manafaat kepada mereka.

Saya ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih juga kepada En. Omar bin Zakaria yang saya anggap sebagai mentor saya kerana beliau telah banyak membimbing dan memberikan tunjukajar kepada saya dalam bidang ini. Terima kasih!

Bahan yang dimuat naikkan ini adanya dalam Bahasa Melayu dan/ataupun Bahasa Inggeris mengikut keperluan dan konteks. Anda dialu-alukan untuk mengemukakan komen dan cadangan sama ada dalam Bahasa Melayu, Bahasa Inggeris ataupun Bahasa Cina. Sumbangan idea anda akan membantu saya membuat penambahbaikan dan peningkatan diri.

Terima kasih!